Elderberry Fast Facts

Elderberries for supporting Immune System Function!

"Elderberries have been used for hundreds of years for their health benefits. Many believe the high number of antioxidants in the berries contribute to its ability to fight the flu, support the immune system and relieve colds. Elderberries are the fruit of the Sambucus tree, the most common of which is Sambucus nigra.1

The plant, also known as black elderberry, European elderberry and European elder, has documented origins dating as far back as 2000 B.C. in Switzerland, where there is evidence that the ancient Swiss cultivated it. However, since it’s also believed to be native to North America, historians speculate that it’s possible its seeds were spread by the retreating Ice Age more than 10,000 years ago.2

Recipes using elderberries for medicinal purposes have been recorded dating back to ancient Egypt, where they were used as a skin and burn potion.3 Historians generally credit Hippocrates as the first physician to use it, who described the elderberry as his “medicine chest.”

Your immune system is your first line of defense against infections, so the most effective method of preventing illness is support your immune system. Your diet and other lifestyle factors are foundational to immune function. Nutrition may be the most vital component in maintaining — or gaining — a healthy immune system. The addition of elderberry and taking quercetin during a viral illness may help reduce the length of your illness. Research from Appalachian State University in North Carolina found quercetin could reduce illness and boost mental performance after extreme physical stress."


Complete article by Dr Joseph Mercola



What else do Elderberries help with?

Elderberries are also known to help relieve seasonal allergies, provide relief from major cold and flus, aid in heart and respiratory health, they are anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, can lower blood sugar levels, lower cholesterol, help eye sight, aid in healthy skin, lower risk of diabetes, provide more energy, aid in weight loss, and aid in digestive health. 



Some Elderberry Fast Facts!